Letter to My Reader

Dear Reader,

Peace in the Lord!

My goal is to help you achieve a sexual-addiction-free life, while you can let me support your reintegration back into real life, and then you're on your own. Why do I do this?

By the year home video was mass produced, porno got its first break at moving real life stimulant better than playboy magazines, and I was a child victim of such more powerful addicter. The home video was born with porno paralleling the advance, and I was also still a child then of two or four years old wondering at the beauty of the world, but fell broken apart so very early, I never knew how beautiful life really was if there’s no porno.

While I am musing on my years of struggle and failure, I received the following illuminations:

(Note: I haven't received any private revelations.)

God asked me, “What is right?”

I told God, “What is right is that people be rich so that they might be able to marry already.”

God answered, “What is right is that people be given the capacity for chastity so that they can even choose celibacy freely if they want to.”

This prophesy will start today and until the world ends. It is not God’s will that the world be populated by people who want to choose a celibate life but have been forced to marry for they have an uncontrollable sexual urge caused by addiction to pornography. IT HAS TO STOP NOW. AND GOD’S WRATH IS FULL TO THE BRIM FOR THE JUSTICE DELAYED TOO LONG THIS INNOCENT VICTIM HAS BEEN ASKING.

“Woe to that man! It were better for him not to have been born than to be the occasion of one of my chosen ones stumbling. It were better for him to have a millstone around his neck and to be drowned in the sea, than to pervert one of my chosen.” Luke 17:1-2

Let me not see the wrath of God this unrepentant pornographers and lewd makers will suffer.

But what is your judgment to me Lord?

You who have become an addict pervert that has only relapses to sexual addiction to harvest in your continued long fight to regain the innocence that cannot be regained anymore, justice is to come now. I know you loved me with an everlasting love. Your desire for a trappist monk’s life shall be satisfied even you marry for maintaining chastity but out of love. But you have to deliver the message to the world that the time of salvation has come for all my suffering faithful throughout the world.

"More souls go to Hell because of sins of the flesh than for any other reason."--our Blessed Mother's message to Jacinta at Fatima, 1920.  Let the spiritual battle begin! St. Michael, the Archangel, protect us in this perilous times. St. Joseph, protector of the Universal Church, pray for us.

My message is three: 1) hope that there is a healing for us victims though almost insurmountable, 2) knowledge that porno can dangerously inflict an incurable addiction thus to protect the most vulnerable, the children and their innocence, 3) and sentence of the highest court of heaven to those knowledgeably unrepentant who will continue proliferating porno and lewdness.

It will be my greatest joy to bring back that lost innocence in my life. This blog is not against the Catholic Church’s doctrine on human capacity for conversion of the hardened sinners. I wrote this blog as a testament to God’s faithfulness, and our responsibility TO STOP PORNOGRAPHY NOW, because it is not just addictive, it is a dangerously life-sucking modern technology. And as long as I am alive I will testify to its horrifying addictive effect that is still within me after all these years. I am writing this blog for all the children of the world. May you be protected by our spiritual Mother, the Blessed Virgin Mary. Amen

Yours in Christ,

Augustine Dela Cruz