
There is a story told that Lucifer before the fall raised an objection against God creating man with free will. Because angels are intellectual beings they saw some glimpse of the future. The story is somewhat more redefined that it was God's decision to give human beings sexual faculty that Lucifer had enough of God's follies and raised a legion to prove that such decision would cause many perdition of souls damned forever. It is actually proven by many testimony and spiritual writings that the number one cause of soul's going to hell are sexual sins. Until now Satan is proving God's decision fatally wrong, and continues to enslave man into sexual perversions. Recently, before Pope Benedict XVI resigned his Papacy, one of his last pronouncement was that sexual abuse by clergies are demonic already.

True or not, we always call on our Mother who crushed the serpents head, so that in the end Her Immaculate Heart will triumph. Maybe the last battle on earth will be spiritual before the end time comes. I've read lots of psychological level healing for sexual addiction short of deterministic and blind to this fallen human existence and spiritual warfare. As if psychology and psychiatry alone with its secret weapon would altogether finish this ancient curse of human weakness of the flesh, they're popping like mushrooms who sells healing for a fee, as if they know the answer to your sexual addiction you've never discovered in your entire struggle and human history up to now.

One word of advice--pray. Pray because this spiritual warfare will not end until Christ return. I am calling my fellow repentant sexual addicts not to stay away from our Blessed Mother because the Apocalyptic writings revealed Her as the final defeat of the serpent.

St. Augustine, pray for us sexual addicts!